Welcome To The Monte Mentor

News Item: .......... Flatbush Federal's Retired Chairman, Anthony J. Monteverdi, recognized as "Brooklyn's Innovative Banker" by the Italian Tribune Newspaper. Click here to read the Tribune article.

The Monte Mentor does not feel that a home page should be a boring place to visit.

Information resources have been gathered for your use from our world - wide network of electronic contacts. Not all of them are related to Banking , as we realize that people have many other interests in their lives.

Our goal is to make this site so useful to you that you will bookmark it for return calls. We hope that someday you may grow comfortable enough with us to join the ranks of our valued customers.

This site also has a number of sections relating to banking areas that we now are involved with ..... or plan to become involved with later this year. Each section has valuable links to the main topic ..... and to threads associated with it.

As a side note, we watched the horror of 9/11 unfold before us as we stood on our Bank's rooftop. No words can describe the empty feeling as we watched the Towers fall ---- as we listened to the wail of sirens ---- or as we smelt the acrid cloud of smoke blowing across the river towards Flatbush.

Mere words also cannot express our pain for loved ones lost ---- or express our gratitude to those brave souls who responded to the scene and saved lives. (Too often at the expense of their own).

But that was all in the past ---- Now is the time to remember, reheal and rebuild!
Those of you out there in Cyber Land who want to become part of this renewal process may wish to consider opening an account with us and recycle some dollars back into our area.

Flatbush is a tough neighborhood and your money will be in "street-smart" hands. It will be safe, and working towards your dreams of a better tomorrow!

God Bless America

Please remember to "Bookmark" us now. We don't want to lose you before you get a chance to view the additional links and valuable information available to you on our other pages. Use the menu bar below to return to the master menu at any time.


The Monte Mentor

Anthony J. Monteverdi
Revised [ajm] ..... March, 4, 2006
@ 1:26 A.M.